First Baptist Church was organized by the Reverend William Raddick and has been a powerful force in the lives of the residents of Annapolis since 1893.
On April 27, 1943, Reverend Leroy Bowman of Washington, D.C., accepted the call to become pastor. Under his zealous leadership, all departments of the church were strengthened. With “Let All Things Be Done Unto Building” as its motto, the church wholeheartedly accepted the pastor’s challenge to press on toward the construction of a new edifice which would take care of the ever-increasing church family, and be dedicated to the Glory of God and the Salvation of Mankind. Dedication of the New First Baptist Church was held on Sunday, September 16, 1954. Having outgrown this structure, a new sanctuary 7,344 square feet structure was erected to support programs involving the whole spectrum of Christian ministry and witness, concentrating on Worship, Evangelism and Missions, Christian Education, Stewardship, and Social Services. Reverend Bowman faithfully served the church and the community for more than 60 years.
The church remains a focal point for community activities and takes an active part in civic affairs.
On January 7, 2006, Reverend Louis J. Boston was elected pastor of First Baptist Church and installed on April 2, 2006.