We want to reopen in a responsible way that demonstrates our love and care for one another by reducing the risk of the infection as much as we can.
To that end, we will be implementing practices and policies that are designed to help everyone in attendance manage their own risk of infection while at the same time allowing us to worship and fellowship together.
Our plan will require your help and attention. These precautions are temporary and will be eased as circumstances allow. While these measures represent an abundance of caution, we are not operating out of a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Instead, we are motivated by love and concern for one another and the desire to protect those among us who are most vulnerable.
When you arrive for worship, here are some things you will need to know:
· Service time will return to 11:00am. The service will continue to be
streamed via Zoom.
· All worshippers must always wear a mask.
· Entry into the sanctuary will only be via the vestibule doors.
· Your temperature will be checked at the door, and you will be asked
to use hand sanitizer. For the protection of members, anyone
exhibiting signs of infection (fever, cough, running nose) will not be
allowed to enter the church.
· Your tithes and offerings will be placed in the new “Giving Boxes” at the
back of the church, before you are seated.
· To allow maximum attendance and maintain social distancing, ushers
will direct you to seating. Family members can be seated together
only if they arrive together.
· Once service begins, the center aisle will not be accessible. If you must
exit, you must exit via the side isle.
· All bibles and hymnals have been removed from the pews. You are
encouraged to bring your own bible.
· With the direction of the Ushers, you will be dismissed to exit the
sanctuary by way of the vestibule doors.